GAA team stood in a line in front of a crowd of supporters


Updated: 14/10/2024


The basics of GAA

What is GAA and what does it stand for?

GAA, the Gaelic Athletic Association, is responsible for all of the Gaelic games and sports in Ireland. It plays a large part in Ireland’s culture and everyday life, promoting Irish values and language.

When was the GAA founded?

GAA was founded in November of 1884, by a group of Irishmen who wanted to preserve Ireland’s Gaelic games with a set of rules and competitions.

Sports involved in GAA

Gaelic football and hurling are two of the most popular GAA sports, with others including rounders, Gaelic handball and camogie, which is a similar, female version of hurling.

GAA Sports

What is hurling?

Hurling is extremely admired within the GAA community: there are 15 players, using hurleys (sticks) to roll, jab, lift or flick a sliotar (a ball) into either the goal net or through posts, trying to score points over the opponent.

How long is a hurling match?

Lasting 60 minutes long, a hurling match is split into two halves. However, senior inter-county matches last 70 minutes long, with two 35 minute halves instead.

What is Gaelic football?

One of the most popular sports in Ireland, it has the same point scoring system, number of players and club colours. It is played with a football and players use their feet and hands to get the ball into the goal. Remember: No throwing allowed!

What is camogie?

Camogie is the female version of hurling, so 15 players use a hurley and a sliotar to score points. If it’s getting the ball into the net it’s three points but if it’s between the posts, it’s one point.

However, it must be noted that there are a couple of differences between hurling and camogie, including:

  • Players can hand pass to score a goal.
  • Goalkeepers wear the same colours as the outfield players.
  • No side-to-side shoulder charges allowed.

Plus more!


What is a hurley and what’s it used for?

A hurley is a stick, normally crafted from ash wood, which features a flat, curved ‘bas’ and ‘heel’ at the end. It’s used to participate in hurling matches.

What is a sliotar and what’s it used for?

A small, leather ball, a sliotar is used during hurling and camogie matches.

What ball does GAA use?

Aside from a sliotar for hurling, Gaelic football calls for, generally, a round, leather football.

Do you have to wear a helmet while playing hurling?

You must wear a helmet when playing a game of hurling. Since 2010, wearing a helmet is a necessity for all ages, whether you’re training or participating in a match.

Should I wear a hurling glove and which hand should wear it?

Hurling gloves are made to protect the wearer’s hands while playing and can provide a bit more grip. Normally, you’d wear it on your dominant hand.

What to Wear to GAA Training

What to Wear to GAA Training

If you're thinking of participating in some GAA sports, then having the right clothing and accessories is a must! You can read our handy guide for some guidance on what to wear, whether you're all-new to the sport or just need some inspiration.

Extra information

How many GAA clubs are in Ireland?

Thanks to its popularity in Ireland, there are over 2,200 GAA clubs that participate in GAA sports.

Are GAA players paid?

GAA competitions are amateur and no one gets paid to take part. Generally, people participate on a volunteer basis. Generally, people play because they have a passion for their country and GAA.

Is hurling violent?

While not violent, hurling can become dangerous. Protection, like helmets and mouthguards, must be worn when training and competing, as the use of equipment and tackling during the game can cause damage.



Another name for Gaelic football.


Another name for a hurley or hurley stick.


The women’s version of hurling.


The separate regions of Ireland (of which there are 32) used by the GAA to split administration of Gaelic games and set up the popular inter-county competitions. Outside of Ireland, GAA teams and administrations like London, New York, Scotland etc. are also referred to as Counties.


The headquarters of the GAA and flagship stadium for Gaelic sports, capable of hosting 82,300 spectators, making it the third largest stadium in Europe.


A county board which plays both Gaelic football and hurling to a similar level. Each county tends to be more successful in one or the other.


Any player who plays at the top level in both Gaelic football and hurling.


In Ireland, ‘football’ always means Gaelic football. The term ‘soccer’ is used for association football.


All non-Gaelic sports which could rival GAA sports, such as soccer, rugby, cricket and hockey. Some of these sports are banned for GAA stadia and until 1971, GAA players were banned from playing or even watching foreign sports.


Group term for Gaelic football, hurling, camogie, rounders and Gaelic handball.


In hurling, camogie and Gaelic football, a goal is getting the ball into the net under the bar and between the posts in the H-shaped goalposts. This is worth three points.


The matches that take place between opposing counties in Gaelic games. These match draw the biggest crowds and form the most important competitions.


GAA bodies outside of Ireland.


The Gaelic games term for the squad or roster of players a county, club or team has at its disposal.


The Irish word for ‘park’ regularly used in the names of Gaelic stadia.


Separate administrative boards control a collection of counties grouped under the four provinces of Ireland – Munster, Leinster, Ulster and Connacht. Britain is also called a Province in regards to GAA, overseeing the ‘county’ teams within Britain.


The white line along the length of a hurling or Gaelic football field.


A big part of hurling and Gaelic football, similar to dribbling in soccer. In hurling, soloing is running with the sliotar balanced or bouncing on your hurley. In Gaelic football, soloing is dropping the ball and kicking it back into your hands over and over again while running.


The four officials in a game of hurling, camogie or Gaelic football, aside from the on-field referee. Their roles include the raising of a flag to indicate a point or goal, indicate which team touched the ball last before it left the field of play and raise any foul play with the referee.

Sports Direct has plenty of GAA products for those who love the sports, so you can find out more below! You can also delve into our partnerships within the GAA, including gaelic football and golf, providing you with lots of info on how we like to get involved!